About us-

A Legacy of Serving Humanity

The Bosnian Canadian Relief Association (BCRA) was founded in 1992 during the darkest hours of the Bosnian genocide. Founded by Bosnian Canadians bound by shared heritage and profound empathy, we have emerged as a beacon of hope, dedicated to healing, rebuilding, and nurturing the lives torn apart by suffering and injustice.

Today, we are commemorating over three decades of service and our mission is touching diverse corners of the word. The BCRA now engages in various humanitarian initiatives, ranging from disaster relief to community development, underlining our commitment to humanity’s holistic welfare. Our efforts are multifaceted, encompassing sustenance, education, healthcare, and sustainable development, reflecting our deep commitment to serving humanity in its entirety. This broad spectrum of services exemplifies our dedication to creating a better world for all.

We are also painstakingly fiscally responsible and our financial stewardship is integral to our success. With minimal total overhead (11%) and administrative costs (5.4%), we ensure donations have maximum impact. This prudent management ensures that a greater portion of every donation directly contributes to our humanitarian efforts, enhancing the quality and impact of our work. Our lean approach not only maximizes donor contributions but also strengthens our capacity to respond swiftly and effectively to various needs across the world.

Our commitment to service reflects in every project, big or small, fostering a world where empathy and aid know no borders. We are united by shared values and a desire for positive change, we believe in the power of every act of kindness to create transformative change.

Our culture-

Humanity in Action

Service to humanity shapes our every action.

  • Service to Humanity.

    Our foundational principle, guiding our global and local initiatives, reflects our commitment to making a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

  • Trust.

    Demonstrated by our financial integrity, with an overhead of just 11% and administrative costs at 5.4%, ensuring that donations are utilized effectively and transparently.

  • Compassion.

    At the heart of BCRA, compassion fuels our volunteer-led efforts, magnifying our impact and fostering stronger, more supportive communities.

Tell us what we can do

Reach out!

Our office

  • Toronto

    122 North Queen Street
    Toronto, ON
    M8Z 2E4 Canada

    Tel: (416) 236-9411